Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Lancaster, Lititz, and Hummelstown / Harrisburg, PA

Also serving Ephrata and Columbia, PA

Around the age of 18, the average adult has 32 teeth. Unfortunately, for many people, the upper and lower jaws are not large enough to allow for passive eruption of all of these teeth in the mouth. The last teeth to develop are the third molars (wisdom teeth). When they align properly and are easily cleansable, they do not need to be removed. Oftentimes, these teeth develop at abnormal angles, only partially erupt through the gums, cause crowding or damage to neighboring teeth, or develop pathology later in life. Both medical and dental research provide clear evidence of the benefits of early wisdom teeth removal. In fact, patients older than 25 years of age have a much higher risk of developing periodontal disease or cavities at the third molar sites. These diseases cause deep pocketing at the site where bacteria thrive. This is not only bad for your oral health, but over time, can lead to increased levels of systemic inflammation which contributes to serious medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and kidney disease.    
Man Feeling Hurt of Toothache — Lancaster, PA — Conestoga Oral Surgery
For more information click to read the AAOMS Ebook on Wisdom Teeth
By completing an oral examination and obtaining x-rays of the mouth, the doctors at Conestoga Oral Surgery can evaluate the position of the wisdom teeth and provide you with an assessment of your teeth and help you determine if/when these teeth should be extracted. Of course, this is a surgical procedure and, like all surgeries, it comes with inherent risks (sensory nerve damage, sinus complications), which will be discussed with you at your initial consultation.  

In most cases, the removal of wisdom teeth is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. You will rest in our office under supervision until you are ready to be taken home by your escort. You will be provided with extra gauze and given post-operative instructions for additional guidance. These instructions can also be downloaded in PDF format from our website for your convenience. You and your loved ones deserve surgeons with the most advanced training and expertise in third molar surgery, the management of complications, as well as safe administration of anesthesia. If you have any questions regarding wisdom teeth extractions, please do not hesitate to call us at (717) 394-3033.  

AAOMS Presentation on Wisdom Teeth Management


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